2024 Comp dates
Here are the dates for the 2024 Comp season!
If you have any questions please contact us.
What are we up to
On May 18th we celebrated our 35th year of Westcoast. The night was a huge success with activities for all including, face painting, Bollywood dancing, Karaoke and a DJ. There was so much food, fun,...
Westcoast merch
We are proud to announce we have Westcoast Calisthenics Jibbitz, Teddy Bears and 35th anniversary badges for sale. Keep an eye out in the news section of this website or our social media....
Westcoast Club leotard
We'd like to introduce our very own Westcoast Club leotard. This leotard was lovingly designed and handmade by one of our very talented Seniors, Ellie Wynhoven. This leotard marks the start of a new...
At Westcoast, our teams participate in 3 to 5 competitions annually, running from July to October. These competitions are held in Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat. Our Annual Display in November at...